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     The Consultative council of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is standing subsidiary body and shall exercise its powers under the state legislation, the Statute and Rules of organization and procedure of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research and the present Regulations for work and activities of the Consultative council.

     The Consultative council co-operates with the Governing board, Advisory council, Editorial council and Expert Committee of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, while in its activities it is guided by the following regulations:

     1. The Council assists the activities of the Governing board, rendering support to the Chairperson and members of the Governing board under strict compliance with the Statute and the present Regulations for work and activities of Consultative council of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research.

     2. While caring out its consultative –expert functions, the Consultative council shall examine documents, give opinions, make recommendations, prepare proposals and draft Resolutions, related to the activities of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research and shall report its activities before the Chairperson of the Governing board annually.

     3. The Consultative council is represented by Chairperson, elected by the members of the Council.

     4. The Consultative council shall carry out its activities at ordinary and extraordinary meetings, convened at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Council.

     5. The meetings of the Consultative council are private.

     (1). Ordinary meetings shall be hold at least once every three months. When necessary extraordinary meetings shall be hold and convened at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Council;

     (2). The time, place for conduction of the meeting, the Agenda as well as the way of acquaint with the materials to the sections in the Agenda shall be mentioned in the Invitation, sent to the members of the Consultative council  at least 15 days prior the date of the ordinary meeting;

     (3). The invitation for the meetings of the Consultative council shall be published on the website of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, immediately after its formulation;

     (4). The members of the Consultative council take part to the meeting in person and Resolutions shall be taken by simple majority of the members present at the meeting of the Council;

     (5). The Minutes of the Council meeting shall be signed by all members of the Consultative council, present at the meeting;

     6. In cases where the Chairperson of the Consultative council deems it is necessary, through the Chairperson of the Governing board shall send copies of documents provided for consideration to the relevant bodies or authorities of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, departments or public bodies, requesting a written opinions. Received written opinions are provided to the members of the Consultative council in the same manner.

     7. Consultative council receives the information necessary for its activities through hearing the members of the organs of the Institute for legal analysis and research, representatives of state institutions, from reports, opinions and other written materials. The hearing of representatives of state or municipal and other institutions is carried out after a resolution of the Consultative council by simple majority.

     8. For the documents related to the activities of the Consultancy Council shall be kept an archive.

     9. In accordance with article 18, paragraph 2 of the Rules of organization and procedure of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, while caring out its expert – consultative functions the Consultative council may require from the Governing board the formation of Preparatory commissions and working groups on particular subjects and the information about their composition and activities shall be published on the website of the organization.

      10. The working groups shall prepare opinions and papers projects on bills assigned by the Consultative council, resolutions or other documents, which are considered and approved by the Consultative council and hand over to the Chairperson of the Governing board for consideration and approval.