Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is a non-governmental organization which serves the public interest.
For the performance of its activities the institute has formed a permanent team of highly qualified law specialists, including acting magistrates - judges and prosecutors, legally competent jurists - some of them engaged in a direct function of lecturers, researchers and other specialists, well versed in the necessary research, teaching and practical potential for the implementation of the development strategies adopted, legal researches, analysis and monitoring over the areas of social life, observed by the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research. The team of the institute cooperates with the following European institutions:European Court of Human Rights;Court of Justice of the European Union;EU Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship;EU Agency for Fundamental Rights;European Ombudsman;European Commission;European Parliament. By means of its cooperation with the European institutions, guardians of fundamental rights in the European Union and other national authorities the organization aims to contribute to the achievement of a high standard for effective, transparent and accessible activities of the Bulgarian public authorities, oriented not only to the assortment of their prestige and independence, but to the enhancement of the public confidence in the work of state and municipal authorities in Bulgaria. The activity of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is designed to assist security and sustainability of positive and beneficial environment and conditions for effective proceedings of responsible, competent and motivated state and municipal authorities, state and municipal administration, institutions and officials of the judiciary within the entire country. The organization performs measures, recommended by the European Commission, concerning intensive monitoring over the activities of the public authorities in Bulgaria. Aiming to protect the public interest, the experts of the organization establish an effective system for civil monitoring, which shall help the authorities in Bulgaria to ensure and to permanently establish the principles of awareness, publicity, transparency, accountability, equality, fairness and predictability in their activities. The main task of the institute is to strengthen the functions of an organized and pro-active civil society, by means of monitoring and objective public control over the work of the state and municipal authorities to reach:* an accessible, transparent and well-timed justice, provided by judiciary open to the public* publicity, transparency, accountability, equality, fairness and predictability in the activities of all state and municipal authorities*enhancement of public confidence in the judiciary, state and municipal authorities* ethical conduct, high responsibility and morale of all representatives of the public authorities in the country* continuously improvement of the performance of state, municipal and judicial authorities, aiming to fulfill and protect the public interest. The main objectives set before the organization are directed towards:* formation of an active and organized civil society in the person of the entrepreneurial and active non-governmental sector* assisting the process for achievement of quality, well-timed, transparent and accessible justice, guaranteed by a responsible, modern and open judiciary* effective, responsible and open public institutions, in the country, implementing anticorruption management policy, observing for a conflict of interests prevention.
The organization aims to establish: * permanently active human rights protection standard* enhancement of public confidence in the activities of the court, state and municipal authorities * incensement in the level of awareness of state and municipal authorities, magistrates, lecturers, students and civil society* protection of the rights and legitimate interest of citizens and legal persons through initiation of assistance from the national authorities and the authorities of the European Union* taking initiatives to harmonize the Bulgarian legislation with the EU law* an effective system for independent, intensive monitoring over the activities of the public authorities in Bulgaria.The activities of the organization also focus on assisting state and municipal administrations as well as state and municipal entities or companies, public organizations and others in competence exercising and working on European, national and local projects and cooperation activities.
GOVERNING The Governing Board is a supreme collective governing body, situated on the highest level in the hierarchy of ILAR, entrusted with the authority to amend and supplement the Statute and internal acts; to modify its membership and numbers and to modify the membership, numbers, type and statute of the subsidiary bodies of the organization. The Governing Board issues guidelines obligatory for the other bodies; it adopts development strategies of the organization or resolutions for participation in significant events related to the objectives of ILAR. The Governing Board is entrusted with the authority to approve other internal acts related to the activities of ILAR; to control the activities of the subsidiary bodies; to pass resolutions upon the opening and closure of branches and offices of the organization; to pass resolutions upon participation in any other organizations; to approve the budget and annual report of the Chairperson. The Board is entrusted to determine what part of the property and income of the organization should be capitalized as a fixed capital formation to preserve and increase the property as well as to approve the property transactions made by ILAR. The Board has the authority to revoke the decisions of the subsidiary bodies when they contradict with the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR.
CONSULTATIVE The Consultative council of ILAR is a standing facultative body with general representative and consultative competences. Changes in the composition of the body may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The Consultative Council is governed and represented by a Chairperson. The members of the council shall be independent when caring out their functions and they should take into account the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Consultative council may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into the structure of the council or the organization. The main functions of the Consultative Council are related to the support of the activities of the GB Chairperson, by means of expert assistance, interaction and cooperation with state and municipal authorities, scientific, professional, syndical and public organizations as well as other activities, supporting the achievement of the objectives of the organization. The members of the council may take part in the structuring and discussion of bills, ordinances, regulations and other activities related to the development and improvement of the Bulgarian legal framework of individual institutes and tendencies of the regulations as well as in the organization of work meetings, seminars, trainings, symposiums, conferences, surveys, researches or other forms of discussion, consideration and popularization of issues from the scope of activities of the organization. The members of the Consultative council may keep in touch with the media as well as to establish and maintain contacts with international, national, state and public authorities. The members of the council may take part at the development and provision for consideration, to the competent authorities, of projects and models for achievement of the objectives of the organization as well as in the popularization of the activities, researches, analysis, opinions and other documents of the organization, through the print and electronic media. The members of the council may take part at the application of systems and mechanisms for the level of awareness improvement of state and municipal authorities, magistrates, lecturers, student and the entire civil society as well as to examine different important issues, to give opinions, to make recommendations, to prepare proposals and draft Resolutions in relation to their competence and they shall report their activities before the Chairperson of the Governing Board annually.
EDITORIAL The Editorial council of ILAR is a standing specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specific functions. Changes in the composition of the body may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The Editorial Council is governed and represented by a Chairperson. The members of the council shall be independent when caring out their functions and they should take into account the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Editorial council may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into the structure of the council or the organization.The main functions of this consultative body are related to the interaction and cooperation with various international, state and municipal authorities, scientific, professional, syndical and public organizations, connected with the printed media or written statements of ILAR. The Council works to support the activities of the Chairperson of the GB related to: the composition and distribution of printed media and written statement; to the achievement of the objectives of the organization by performing various activities in the structuring and discussion of printed publications and functions of the Editorial board. Another one of the main functions of the council is to support and realize contacts with representatives of the media for the achievement of the objectives and assignments of the organization and to establish contacts with international, state and public authorities in the scope of the activities of ILAR. The members of the specialized council may develop and provide for consideration projects and models for achievement of the objectives of the organization to the competent authorities, may render expert aid as well as to examine various important issues, to give opinions, to make recommendations, to prepare proposals and draft Resolutions in relation to their competence and they shall report their activities before the Chairperson of the Governing Board annually.
ADVISORY The Advisory council of ILAR is a standing facultative body with specific competences. Changes in the composition of the body may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The Advisory Council is governed and represented by a Chairperson. Members of this collective body can be only legally competent jurists. The members of the council shall be independent when caring out their functions and passing resolutions and they should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Advisory council may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into the structure of the council or the organization. The main activities of the council are related to the creation and proposing for approvement of different projects and measures for independent control over the activities of the Bulgarian public bodies as well as proposal for acceptance of refined systematization and organization of the administrative regulatory, registry, non-contentious and notary procedures. The Council may make proposals for the implementation of various surveys, measures on analysis and generalization of the jurisprudence establishing a consistent practice and creation of a proposal for acceptance of standing mechanisms, implemented by the acting state and municipal administrations and the judiciary which will guarantee greater rights for the citizens. The specialized subsidiary body may work to increase the level of awareness of state and municipal authorities, magistrates, lecturers, students and the whole civil society. The members of the Advisory council examine the legal phenomena through the implementation of analysis and directions` systematization of the development of legal doctrine and new emerging functions of the Bulgarian and European law and summarization of the results. On the initiative of the subsidiary body may be proposed mechanisms to improve speed, reliability and performance of state, municipal and judicial authorities; to establish standing human rights protection standard; to establish and strengthen the principles to surmount the systemic defects in the interpretation and application of Bulgarian and European legislation. The council gives assistance to the GB in the protection of the rights and legitimate interest of citizens and legal persons through initiation of assistance from the state and municipal authorities and taking of initiatives to harmonize on even greater degree the Bulgarian legislation with the EU law. The members of the council actively work on the raising of the awareness of citizens to initiate their enterprise in defending their rights; on assisting state and municipal administrations as well as state and municipal entities or companies, hospitals and others in exercising of competence and work on European and other national and international projects and cooperation activities. Members of the council may participate in working groups on preparation of bills and subdelegated legislation; on creation and distribution of educational materials for training and improvement of qualification; conduction of trainings, conferences, seminars and round table conference, discussions and workshops; on the realization of a partnership with international and state, authorities and organizations working in the legal field and in the field of development of civil society. At the implementation of its activities the council establishes contacts, interaction and joint events with similar organizations at home and abroad; take part in educational and information campaigns among state and municipal administration, lecturers, students and all citizens interested, agencies and organizations. The members of the Advisory council may participate in public procedures with developed projects, financed by governmental and non - governmental programs, European Development Funds and other legal sources.
EXPERT The Expert committee of ILAR is a standing specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specific tasks and functions. Changes in the composition of the body may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The Expert committee is governed and represented by a Chairperson. Member of the Expert committee may be every person who is a qualified lawyer, law student, has a very good command of English, French, German or Russian language, a specialist working in the state or municipal administration, court administration, prosecutor`s office and Investigation services, as well as individual with special contributions to the activities of the organization and shares the principles, ideas, goals and objectives of ILAR. The commissioners shall be independent when caring out their functions and passing resolutions and they should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Expert committee may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into the structure of the committee or the organization. The main functions of the committee are related to the establishment of contacts, interaction and cooperation with various state and municipal authorities, as well as scientific, professional, syndical and public organizations and performance of any kind of activities assisting the achievement of the objectives of the organization, including attracting students and volunteers for the implementation of projects through their involvement in the activities of ILAR. The Commissioners participate in various activities related to the conduction or realization of business and working meetings, surveys, seminars, trainings, symposiums, conferences and other forms of discussions, debate and popularization of issues in the field of activities of the organization. The members of this subsidiary body aim to support and realize contacts with representatives of the media, to develop and provide for consideration projects and models for achievement of the objectives and popularization of the activities of the organization through publication on actual problems or projects or mechanisms for level of awareness improvement of the entire civil society or other appropriate activities.
ETHICAL The Ethical committee of ILAR is a standing highly specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specific functions. Changes in the composition of the body may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The Ethical committee is governed and represented by a Chairperson. Member of the Ethical committee may be a qualified lawyer, who has high moral and ethical qualities and agrees to observe and work for the compliance of the Ethical Code of ILAR by all members and experts of the organization. The commissioners shall be independent when caring out their functions and passing resolutions and they should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Ethical committee may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into the structure of the committee or the organization. The main functions of the Ethical committee are related to the monitoring over the compliance of the Ethical Code of ILAR by all the members and experts of the organization and examination and consideration of signals for violations of the Ethical Code of the organization from experts or members of the governing and subsidiary bodies of ILAR, in the exercise of their professions or participation in the public life.
CENTER FOR ASSISTING OF THE JUDICIAL The Center for assisting of the judicial reform of ILAR is a standing highly specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specific activities and tasks. Changes in its composition may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. Members of this specialized collective body may be only legally competent jurists and acting magistrates with established reputation and goodwill. The Center for assisting of the judicial reform is governed and represented by a Chairperson. The members of the center shall be independent when caring out their functions and passing resolutions and they should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Center for assisting of the judicial reform may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into its structure or into the organization. Among the main functions of the Center for assisting of the judicial reform are the interaction with the judiciary in Bulgaria and development, presentation and suggestion of ideas, concepts, solutions and any other type of actions allowed by the law that support the judicial reform in Bulgaria. The center may interact in any way with world, international, European and national authorities and representatives of the state and judicial authorities, NGO`s, civil society unions and others permitted by the law forms of joint activities.
The Center for supervision of public procurement procedures of ILAR is a standing highly specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specific objectives and tasks. Changes in its composition may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The Center for supervision of public procurement procedures is governed and represented by a Chairperson. The members of the center shall be independent when caring out their functions and passing resolutions and they should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Center for supervision of public procurement procedures may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into its structure or into the organization.
Among the main functions of the Center for supervision of public procurement procedures are: implementation of independent monitoring over the public procurement award, implementation and control procedures in Bulgaria, as well as development, presentation and suggestion of ideas, concepts, solutions and any other type of actions allowed by the law that fulfill the main objectives of the organization. The center may interact in any way with world, international, European and national authorities and representatives of the state and municipal administration, NGO`s, civil society unions and others permitted by the law forms of joint activities.
CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND The Center for education and training of ILAR is a standing highly specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specifically determined objectives and tasks. Changes in its composition may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The Center for education and training is governed and represented by a Chairperson. The members of the center shall be independent when caring out their functions and passing resolutions and they should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Center for education and training may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into its structure or into the organization. Among the main functions of the Center for education and training are drawing up of training programs and events, organizing, conducting and promotion of specialized trainings and education seminars orientated towards various groups of interested individuals. The Center for education and training of ILAR is entitled to issue certificates to the participants in the trainings.
NATIONAL COACTIVITY CENTER The National coactivity center of ILAR is a standing specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specific competences, practiced on a national level. Changes in the composition of the body may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The National coactivity center is governed and represented by a Chairperson. Member of the National coactivity center may be any person who agrees to work for the fulfillment of the body`s objectives related to the implementation of joint activities with national public authorities or Bulgarian related organizations. The members of the center shall be independent when caring out their functions and passing resolutions and they should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The National coactivity center may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into the structure of the center or the organization.
The main functions of the National coactivity center are expressed in joint activities with the Bulgarian public authorities, Bulgarian related organizations, working groups or committees to them. The center considers any proposals for signing of contracts, memorandums or cooperation agreements with public bodies or related organizations in the country and expresses opinion on issues related to the participation and implementation of national programs and projects of ILAR. The center prepares a draft annual program for national cooperation of ILAR, which is approved by the Governing Board.
INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES The International activities center of ILAR is a standing specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specific competences, practiced on an international level. Changes in its composition may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The International activities center is governed and represented by a Chairperson. Member of the International activities center may be any person who agrees to work for the fulfillment of the body`s objectives related to the cooperation with international authorities or organizations. The members of the center shall be independent when caring out their functions and passing resolutions and they should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The International activities center may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into the structure of the body or the organization.
Among the main functions of the International activities center is participation in joint activities or memberships in European or world organizations. The center performs specialized consultations on the signing of contracts, memorandums or cooperation agreements with international bodies or organizations as well as for the participation on international programs and projects. The members of the center may participate in the conduction of international congresses, conferences, symposiums and workshops; the preparation of publications in international directories, newsletters and to organize and manage all activities related to the international cooperation of ILAR. The center prepares a draft annual program for international cooperation of ILAR, which is approved by the Governing Board.
The Center for administrative and information services of ILAR is a standing highly specialized subsidiary body, entrusted with specific activities for securing the administrative and informational needs of the organization. Changes in its composition may be made only by the Governing Board and its members are elected by the motion of the Chairperson of the organization. The Center for administrative and information services is governed and represented by a Chairperson. The representative of the center shall be independent when caring out his functions and passing resolutions and he should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The Center for administrative and information services may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into its structure or into the organization.Among the main functions of the Center for administrative and information services are activities related to the securing of the administrative and informational needs of the organization.
PROJECT The Project Coordinator of ILAR is a standing subsidiary body, entrusted with the function to coordinate the implementation of the organization`s projects and to give information about them. The function of a project coordinator of ILAR shall be performed by a particular expert. The project coordinator shall be independent when caring out his functions and passing resolutions and he should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The project coordinator may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into its structure or into the organization.Among the main activities of the project coordinator of ILAR are the functions related to the coordination of the implementation of organization`s projects and consignment of information about them.
PUBLIC AND MEDIA The Public and media relations of ILAR is a standing subsidiary body, entrusted with the functions to consign information for the activities of the organization to third parties. The function of a public and media relations of ILAR shall be performed by a particular expert. The expert, performing the function of a public and media relations shall be independent when caring out his functions and passing resolutions and he should comply with the regulations of the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria, the national and European legislation, the Statute, the Rules of organization and procedure, the Ethical Code, the resolutions of the Governing Board and other internal rules of ILAR. The expert, performing the function of a public and media relations, may require from the GB to establish subsidiary bodies, in order to incorporate them into the structure of the organization.Among the main activities of the expert, performing the function of a public and media relations of ILAR are functions related to the consignment of information for the activities of the organization to third parties.
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