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About the Institute / Activities

Main activity of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is connected with the cooperation of citizens, legal persons and organizations to protect and defend their rights and interests in order to establish high human rights standards in the country. The organization has been tasked to investigate and analyze the introduced human rights standards and to proliferate the best established practices in the observed areas of public life. The activity of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is directed towards the realization of the objectives of the organization by: Participation in working groups on preparation of bills and subdelegated legislation; Creation and distribution of educational materials for training and improvement of qualification; Conduction of trainings, conferences, seminars and round table conference, discussions and workshops; Realization of a partnership with state, municipal and public structures, international organizations working in the legal field and in the field of development of civil society; Establishment of contacts, interaction and joint events with similar organizations at home and abroad; Provision of information and results from research and analysis by printed matters and publications; Translation of specialized literature related to the objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research; Creation and distribution of specialized visual and teaching training aids; Acceptance of donations, conduction of charity events and organization and financing of educational and information campaigns among state and municipal administration, lecturers, students and all citizens interested, agencies and organizations, as well as other activities related to the objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research; Participation in public procedures with developed projects, financed by governmental and non - governmental programs, European Development Funds linked to the objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research; Generalization and distribution of information obtained as a result from the activities of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, conducted round tables, workshops, seminars, conferences and trainings; The economic activity conducted by the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is related to the creation and distribution of printed matters, collections, specialized publications, videos and other educational visual aids for training, with the conduction of training courses and workshops in connection with and related to the administrative regulatory, registry, non-contentious, notary procedures and the objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, as well as any other business activities not prohibited by the law and related to the activities and objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research. The organization is actively working on the creation of a proposal for acceptance of refined systematization and organization of the administrative regulatory, registry, non-contentious and notary procedures by the competent authorities, as well as examination, analysis and generalization of the jurisprudence establishing a consistent practice and creation of a proposal for acceptance of permanent mechanisms, implemented by the acting state and municipal administrations and the judiciary which will guarantee greater rights for the citizens. One of the main objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is to increase the level of awareness of state and municipal authorities, magistrates, lecturers, students and civil society and implementation of activities of legal phenomena research through analysis and directions` systematization of the development of legal doctrine and new emerging functions of the Bulgarian and European law and summarization of the results. The structures and professionals engaged in the activities of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research work actively to develop and propose mechanisms to improve speed, reliability and performance of state, municipal and judicial authorities in order to establish permanently active human rights protection standards and tо proliferate of the good European and global practices in the work of state, municipal and judicial authorities. The commitments of the organization are directed towards establishing and strengthening of principles to surmount the systemic defects in the interpretation and application of Bulgarian and European legislation and summarization of the results and to protect the rights and legitimate interest of citizens and legal persons through initiation of assistance from the state and municipal authorities and taking initiatives to harmonize on even greater degree the Bulgarian legislation with EU law. The organization is committed to raise the awareness of citizens to initiate their enterprise in defending their rights and assist state and municipal administrations as well as state and municipal entities or companies, hospitals and others in exercising of competence and work on European and other national and international projects and cooperation activities.