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Article 1. Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is established as a legal person with non-commercial character, under the provisions of Law on Legal Persons of a Non-commercial Character.

Article 2. The main objectives of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research are:

(1). Creation of a proposal for acceptance of refined systematization and organization of the administrative regulatory, registry, non-contentious and notary procedures by the competent authorities;

(2). Examination, analysis and generalization of the jurisprudence establishing a consistent practice and creation of a proposal for acceptance of permanent mechanisms, implemented by the acting state and municipal administrations and the judiciary which will guarantee greater rights for the citizens;

(3). Increase of the level of awareness of state and municipal authorities, magistrates, lecturers, students and civil society;

(4). Implementation of activities of legal phenomena research through analysis and directions` systematization of the development of legal doctrine and new emerging functions of the Bulgarian and European law and summarization of the results;

(5). Proposing of mechanisms to improve speed, reliability and performance of state, municipal and judicial authorities;

(6). Establishing of permanently active human rights protection standard;

(7). Establishing and strengthening of principles to surmount the systemic defects in the interpretation and application of Bulgarian and European legislation and summarization of the results;

(8). Protection of the rights and legitimate interest of citizens and legal persons through initiation of assistance from the state and municipal authorities and taking of initiatives to harmonize on even greater degree the Bulgarian legislation with EU law;

(9). Raising the awareness of citizens to initiate their enterprise in defending their rights;

(10). Assisting state and municipal administrations as well as state and municipal entities or companies, hospitals and others in exercising of competence and work on European and other national and international projects and cooperation activities.

Article 3. Instruments for realization of the objectives of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research are:

(1). Participation in working groups on preparation of bills and subdelegated legislation;

(2). Creation and distribution of  educational materials for training and improvement of qualification;

(3). Conduction of trainings, conferences, seminars and round table conference, discussions and workshops;

(4). Realization of a partnership with state, municipal and public structures, international organizations working in the legal field and in the field of development of civil society;

(5). Establishment of contacts, interaction and joint events with similar organizations at home and abroad;

(6). Acceptance of donations, conduction and organization of charity events and organization and financing of other activities, not prohibited by the law and related to the objectives of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research;

(7). Financing of educational and information campaigns  among state and municipal administration, lecturers, students and all citizens interested, agencies and organizations;

(8). Participation in public procedures with developed projects, financed by governmental and non - governmental programs, European Development Funds linked to the objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research;

(9). Generalization and distribution of information obtained as a result from the activities of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, conducted round tables, workshops, seminars, conferences and trainings;

Article 4. Expending of the property of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is admissible for:

(1). Provision of information and results from research and analysis by printed matters and publications;

(2). Translation of specialized literature related to the objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research;

(3). Conduction of trainings, conferences, seminars and round table conference, discussions and workshops;

(4). Creation and distribution of  specialized visual and teaching training aids;

(5). Any other activities which are not prohibited by the law and which could be identified as connected with the principal activity of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research and assist the achievement of its objectives;

(6). Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is able to expend its property on development and improvement of the legislation concerning the organization of administrative regulatory, registry, non-contentious and notary procedures, on formulating and strengthening of democratic principles, Rule of Law and civil society:

(7). Institute for Legal Analysis and Research is able to expend property on Human Rights protection, on approval of spiritual values in the field of development of science and research related to administrative regulatory, registry, non-contentious and notary procedures;

(8). Institute for Legal Analysis and Research may gratuitously expend property and conduct its activities in public interest; oriented towards achieving the objectives of the organization, by the order stated at Law on Legal Persons of a Non-commercial Character;

(9). For gratuitously expend of property owned by the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research for conduction of activities in public interest it is necessary reasoned resolution of the Board, taken by a majority of two thirds of all members, when it is in favor of:

1. Individuals taking part in other bodies of  Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, their spouses, a lineal relative thereof up to any degree of consanguinity or a relative thereof by marriage up to the second degree of affinity;

2. Individuals who have been  members of the  Governing bodies of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research within up to two years prior to the date of resolution-making;

3. Legal entities which have funded Institute for Legal Analysis and Research within up to 3 / three / years prior to the date of Resolution;

4. Legal entities wherein the individuals aforementioned are managers or can impose or block resolution-making;

5. Property receipts in the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research cannot be distributed between body members, except for reasonable payment of remuneration for valid services or activities, or for recovery of reasonable costs incurred in carrying out the work on implementing the objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research;

6. At the end of the year according to a Resolution adopted by the Board may be paid current financial remuneration of individuals charged with the execution of basic tasks related to the activities of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research;

(10). Guidelines in the activities of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, conducting activities in public benefit shall be adopted by the Governing board.

(11). The Governing board shall prepare an Annual paper for the conducted activities of public benefit and property expend.

Article 5. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the conduction of activities for public benefit. The Governing board shall approve the Activities Report.

Article 6. Institute for Legal Analysis and Research shall carry out various programs and projects for the realization of the objectives. Institute for Legal Analysis and Research shalll work closely with representatives of the state, municipal and judicial authorities, and the civil sector and will support the establishment of contacts between legal entities with non-commercial character and municipal and state institutions.

Article 7. The selection of the favoured individuals and the way of support shall  be done in dependence to the financial capacity of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research and its objectives;

Article 8. By priority shall be given assistance and resources, that will be spent for:

(1). Participation in working groups on preparation of bills and subdelegated legislation;

(2). Creation and distribution of  educational materials for training and improvement of qualification;

(3). Conduction of trainings, conferences, seminars and round table conference, discussions and workshops;

(4). Realization of a partnership with state, municipal and public structures, international organizations working in the legal field and in the field of development of civil society;

(5). Establishment of contacts, interaction and joint events with similar organizations at home and abroad;

(6). Acceptance of donations, conduction and organization of charity events and organization and financing of other activities, not prohibited by the law and related to the objectives of Institute for Legal Analysis and Research;

(7). Financing of educational and information campaigns  among state and municipal administration, lecturers, students and all citizens interested, agencies and organizations;

(8). Participation in public procedures with developed projects, financed by governmental and non - governmental programs, European Development Funds linked to the objectives of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research;

(9). Generalization and distribution of information obtained as a result from the activities of the Institute for Legal Analysis and Research, conducted round tables, workshops, seminars, conferences and trainings;